ORB - Hatched
B00ste July 13 2024
the plot thickens...
ORB - Hatched


The Arctic faction worshipped no gods. They were the fierce and independent elves who believed in the strength and autonomy of their kind. Joining their ranks wasn’t a matter of birthright but of choice and endurance. They welcomed all, free from discrimination, as long as they could survive the trials. Their brutalist strongholds dotted the planet’s poles, where the Magic Wreath intersected and pulsed with instability. Rangers kept a constant vigil on the horizons, ready to close any planar rift that appeared and to hunt down interdimensional intruders. Meanwhile, their fighter corps, the heart of their military might, stood ready to confront any threat, be it from this world or another. The Arctic were the first to sound the alarm at the sight of the [REDACTED], and the first to forge a plan to defeat him.


The Surge was the most widespread faction. In times of turmoil, like the end of an era, people needed faith more than ever. Temples to the gods were present in every surface settlement across the world, and the Surge was controlling every single one, offering a steady and gentle hand to the populace. They didn’t siphon their magic directly from the Wreath; their powers were gifts from the gods themselves, bestowed upon their clerics and paladins, along with divine virtues and wisdom. When the skies darkened and fear gripped the hearts of many, the Surge provided shelter, protection, and unwavering faith to the masses.


The Arcane mostly kept to themselves, yet their floating cities of knowledge welcomed all. Hovering strategically beneath the thickest and most energy-rich parts of the Magic Wreath, these cities were sanctuaries of learning. Wizards studied the web-weave and harnessed its power, while monks served as caretakers of the floating structures and acted as peacekeepers in places devoid of the Surge’s presence. Their vast libraries held so much knowledge that no elf could read through the entire collection in a thousand-year lifetime. As the end of the world loomed, the Arcane realized that the only way to truly save elvenkind was to transfer their souls and consciousness into the Wreath, leaving their physical forms behind.


The Inferno hid in their hulking steel citadels, deep underground, harnessing the powerful elemental energies beneath the world’s crust. With an abundance of materials at their disposal, they built an army of steel slaves to do their bidding. This isolationist, technocratic society shunned strangers, fiercely guarding their wealth and secrets. Their pyromancers and steel golems routinely decimated trespassers, ensuring their bounty remained hidden. When news of the [REDACTED] reached the Inferno's citadels, their ingenious artificers began constructing a megalithic ship designed to house all of elvenkind and carry them to the stars. Remnants of this colossal endeavor can still be found scattered across the world to this day.


The Creed had no established headquarters, nor did they follow a strict hierarchy. History tells us that members were chosen after decades of careful observation, ensuring the candidate’s vision and motivations perfectly aligned with the syndicate’s. It is said that members of the Creed infiltrated every faction and society, ready to change history at a moment's notice. Whether through a blade in the dark, a powerful mind control spell, or a rousing public speech that swayed the masses, they acted with precision and secrecy. The Creed’s ambitions were always cryptic, and no one outside the syndicate understood their true direction. But one thing was certain: when the [REDACTED] emerged from the cold darkness of deep space, the Creed coveted its power and sought to claim it for themselves.
# Hatched